Professional Experiences

2012  Trainer, on International Deans’ Course for South-East Asia, conducted by DAAD, German’s Rector Forum (HRK), CHE in collaboration with Alexander von Humbolt Foundation, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Netral University of Philippines, in Osnabrueck and Berlin, Germany,  June 16 – 28.

Team Member, Rencana Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) Statuta UGM.

Consultant (member) for Ministry of Education and Culture, of Indonesia in developing the program for National Character Building.

2011- 2012   Member, Task Force for Kerangka Kompetensi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI).

Trainer, in ”Leadership and Human Resources Training” to Universitas Cendrawasih, August 20-25.

2010  Consultant (member) for Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Indonesia in developing the National Planning for Tourism Development (RIPPNas) for Human Resources.

Trainer, International Dean’s Course for South-East Asia, 13 – 27 June in Osnabrueck and Berlin, Germany

Technical Assistant to Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado for Human Resource Management, I-MHERE.

Technical Assistant to Universitas UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta for Human Resource Management, PHKI.

2009 – now  Member, Board of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education and Culture.

Senate Member, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

2009 – 2012   Secretary, Academic Senate, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

2009  Technical Assistant to Universitas Jambi for Human Resource Management, PHKI.

Chief Trainer,  on Indonesian Dean’s training , conducted by Directorate of Academic affairs DGHE Indonesia, in Surabaya, 1 July – 2 August.

Chief Organizer, on International Deans’ Course for South-East Asia Part III, conducted by DAAD, German’s Rector Forum (HRK), CHE in collaboration with Alexander von Humbolt Foundation, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Netral University of Philippines, in Yogyakarta, March (15 – 21).

Invited speaker on Curriculum Development. Topic: How to load Local Wisdom in the Curriculum of Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, April 3.

Invited speaker on Curriculum Development. Topic: How to load Local Wisdom in the Curriculum. Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta, February.

Trainer on University Management for University Administratiors, covered topics on Good Uniiversity Governance and Academic Culture. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, February.

Trainer on “Motivational Preparation for Science Competition” in SMA 3 Yogyakarta, April 25.

Invited speaker on Konferensi Nasional Biopsikologi ke-1, with the title: “Berprestasi   Lebih Baik: Penerapan Biopsikologi dalam Pendidikan”, Fakultas Psikologi UGM, January 27.

2008  Chief of Organizing Committee, National Seminar on “Peran Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pimpinan Daerah dalam Mengembangkan Local Genius”, Universitas Gadjah Mada, 15 Desember.

Partisipation on National Seminar held in UI Depok, on “Strengthening Competitive Advantage through University Partnership”, organized by UI, DAAD in cooperation with CHE and University of Hamburg, Germany, October 23.

Trainer, on International Deans’ Course for South-East Asia Part I, conducted by DAAD, German’s Rector Forum (HRK), CHE in collaboration with Alexander von Humbolt Foundation, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and Netral University of Philippines, in Osnabrueck and Berlin, May (6 – 15).

Trainer, on International Deans’ Course for East Africa Part III, conducted by DAAD, German’s Rector Forum (HRK), CHE in collaboration with Alexander von Humbolt Foundation and University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. February.

2008 – now  Regional Coordinator for International Deans’ Course, South-East Asia, headquartered in DAAD, Bonn, Germany.

2008 – 2010  Member of International Board for University Staff Development, sponsored by DAAD Germany headquartered in University of Kassel, Germany.

2007 – 2009  member of Academic Senate, Universitas Gadjah Mada

2007 – 2008  consultant of “Psikoplus”, psychological magazine.

Vice-Chair of Internationalization Program, Faculty of Psychology, UGM

Nov 2006 – 2007  Executive Secretary, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

2006  Trainer on Tracer Study and Labor Market Signal Survey. Conducted by: Satuan Penjaminan Mutu Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, 8 Oktober.

2005  consultant on Corporate Culture Development, PT Jamsostek Indonesia.

2004 –  Oct 2006  Human Resource Director, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

2003 – 2007  World Bank’s Higher Education Reviewer Team for Sri Lankan Universities.

2003  Trainer on Corporate Cultures of Indonesian Enterprises.Yogyakarta, Juli 21-23.

2002 – 2004  Assistant Vice Rector for Monitor and Learning Improvement, Universitas Gadjah Mada

2002 – now  Higher Education Reviewer (Team Member), Dirjen Dikti

  1. Semi QUE (2002-2004): desk evaluation of 67 proposals from various study programs and  disciplines and higher education institutions throughout Indonesia; negotiatioon of funding; and monitoring of the on going project.
  2. Competitive-Based Grant in Higher Education: PHK A1 (2003-n2009): desk evaluation of 49 proposals from various study programs and  disciplines and higher education institutions throughout Indonesia.
  3. DUE-Like Project (2003): monitoring 3 departments from various higher education institutions in Indonesia.
  4. Competitive-Based Grant in Higher Education: PHK A2 (2003-2009): desk evaluation of 11 departments from various higher education institutions in Indonesia.
  5. Competitive-Based Grant in Higher Education: PHK A3 (2003-2011)
  6. Competitive-Based Grant in Higher Education: PHK B (2004-2011): desk evaluation, site visit to grantee candidates  of various universities in Indonesia.
  7. Indosian-Management of Higher Education Relevance & Efficiency (I-MHERE Project), (2006 – 2011).
  8. Competitive-Based Grant in Higher Education: Faculty of Medicine of Indonesia (2009 – 2010)

2001-2003  Human Resource Management Consultant of PT PERHUTANI, Jakarta

2001  Conducting Assessment Center to select Head of Division, PT Pelindo I, Medan.

“Visionary Leadership” : Professional Training for the Executives of PT Perhutani, Jakarta.

Conducting Assessment Center to select Heads of Divisions and Sub-divisions, PT Perhutani, Jakarta.

Member of Gadjah Mada University Task Force in Developing By Laws (Anggaran Rumah Tangga), in the section of Human Resources Development.

Conducting Training : Pra Purnabhakti  for nearly retired employees, PERTAMINA, Yogyakarta. February.

Research on “Return on Quality” PT TELKOM. January – June.

Research on Health and Safety at Work: PT PERTAMINA, DOH Prabumulih and Head Quarter Jakarta. September – November.

Training on “Corporate Culture” for DPRD members and PDAM executives of several provinces of Indonesia. September.

2000  Conducting Assessment Center to select Head of Division, Directorate of Finance, PERTAMINA, Jakarta. August.

Conducting Training on Leadership for Echelon II, Kementrian Koperasi, Pengusaha Kecil Menengah, Jakarta.

Conducting Training on Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia for employees in Bagian Teknik, PERTAMINA, Semarang.

Committee and instructor on Junior University Staff Development Training, UGM.

Committee member on Quality Assurance System Work Group, UGM.

1999 – 2003  Division Head of Education Research, Centre for Higher Education Planning and Management Studies, Gadjah Mada University.

1999   Faculty representative on University Autonomy Workshop.

1996  Advisor for Stephen Druker, a Ph.D student in the School of Education,

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA while conducting research  in Yogyakarta on the Methods of Teaching Science in Elementary and  Junior Schools.

1995  Contact person for Fulbright Visiting Professor (from USA:  Joe Dodds, Ph.D).

1994 – 2002  Editor of Jurnal Psikologi Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University.

1994  Trainer on Motivation Development, Abhiseka College, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Trainer on Teacher Effectiveness Training, both for Elementary and Junior School Teachers. Faculty of Psychology, Gadjah Mada University.

Participant in Non-violence Communication Training, Faculty of  Psychology, Gadjah Mada University.

1991  Research Assistant to Patricia Self, Ph.D, Oklahoma State University, USA: Nitrate concentration in farm-well and its effects on child development.

1990  Therapist in the Early Intervention Program. Dept. of Family Relations and Child Development, Oklahoma State University, USA.

1989  Graduate Assistant at the Early Intervention Program. Dept. of Family Relations and Child Development, Oklahoma State University, USA.

1988  Research Assistant to James Moran II, Ph.D, Oklahoma State University on Human Creativity.

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